Our Work
The African Oyster Trust is currently focused on supporting education projects in The Gambia, particularly the building and running of nursery schools for which no Government funding is available.
These nursery schools really are important.
Not only are they providing a solid pre-school education for some of the world’s poorest children, but they are also places of hope – somewhere for these most vulnerable of children to be cared for, nourished, supported and encouraged.
Pre-school education is a vital first step out of the cycle of poverty for young Gambians aged three to seven years. As well as giving them a head-start when their primary education begins (free from seven to 14 years of age), it can also provide a lasting sense of ambition and opportunity.
Click here to find out more about Gambia, or read about our nursery schools, health clinics and other projects here.
You can also watch this short film, in which founder Lady Kira Dalton explains how and why the Trust was set up, the work it does, and how you can make a real difference to the children and families of the Gambia with just a couple of pounds.
Not only are they providing a solid pre-school education for some of the world’s poorest children, but they are also places of hope – somewhere for these most vulnerable of children to be cared for, nourished, supported and encouraged.
Pre-school education is a vital first step out of the cycle of poverty for young Gambians aged three to seven years. As well as giving them a head-start when their primary education begins (free from seven to 14 years of age), it can also provide a lasting sense of ambition and opportunity.
Click here to find out more about Gambia, or read about our nursery schools, health clinics and other projects here.
You can also watch this short film, in which founder Lady Kira Dalton explains how and why the Trust was set up, the work it does, and how you can make a real difference to the children and families of the Gambia with just a couple of pounds.
Or, to dig even deeper into the founding of the African Oyster Trust, the people involved and the projects they support, you can also read Happy! Happy! Happy! a book about the AOT written by Dee Bixley in 2015. Click the image below to read.
All content copyright The African Oyster Trust. Registered Charity No 1118298.